Tuesday, December 29, 2009

29 December 09

somebody likes knives
somebody likes knives!

27 December 09

new coat
I got a new coat for Christmas. Not sure what the hell's going on with the autofocus on the camera, though. Maybe I broke it when I dropped it :C

Sunday, December 27, 2009

26 December 09

I saw this on the railing when I went outside to grab the recycling bin.

25 December 09

Alice + Silly Symphonies = joy
Alice's gift was one of the ones I was most excited to give this year. My mom's was also good, but I didn't think she'd appreciate me posting a photo of her crying.

24 December 09

Christmas Eve was spent watching Futurama and eating chili with Steph while we waited for Jeff to get home from work. This is the pile of presents and crap waiting by the door to come with us. My family went to 11pm mass so we arrived at their place before they did. Then we watched (read: sat in front of while talking loudly) How the Grinch Stole Christmas and went to bed.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

23 December 09

christmas countdown
CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN! I like the '80s quality of light in this photo.

20 December 09

bake-off at Britt's
(bake-off at Britt's)

19 December 09

Jeff actually took this one because I was so distraught thinking I had broken the lens. It was just the lens protector, and we got a new one the next day.

18 December 09

Christmas party at the Tree House
This was on the table at Angelique and Laryssa's place. It was a quiet Christmas party with too many baked goods.

17 December 09

Iain, boozin' it up
Iain is in town, and is thus drinking most nights.

16 December 09

Jeff works too hard.
Jeff, somewhere in the middle of his 19 days of work in a row.

15 December 09

tiny, tiny tree
I bought this tiny tree at work for about $7. I think at one point the presents underneath were about 6x its size.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

14 December 09

fridge gargoyle
Friends & Family Night at Hell Pizza (aka Jeff's new and more awesome place of employment), which doubled as the staff training day. Free pizza and beer! Everything was extremely tasty (chicken, cranberry and camembert pizza?! YES) and everyone working seemed to be having a pretty great time. This gargoyle was perched menacingly atop the beverage fridge.

13 December 09

more photos of buildings and food
I was the first one up in the morning, so I went to Powell's for coffee and to pick up a book Mom forgot. I didn't have my map with me, but I followed my navigational instinct and it was correct :)

12 December 09

Sarah and Chase took us to this amazing restaurant called Andina's, a Peruvian fusion joint where everything was interesting and delicious. This is a goat cheese flan, and that little flower is made out of strawberry sauce and chocolate.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

11 December 09

paper ostriches
These happy paper fellows were set up in the Anthropologie on Couch St, a store where I loved pretty much everything and could afford pretty much nothing. Mom bought me two shirts that were on sale as a present though :)

10 December 09

awww kitty
Jeff dropped me off at my parents' so that Mom, Alice and I could leave early for Portland the next day. He is petting The Shadow, one of their 12 or so cats (ok I'm exaggerating, I think they only have 4).

09 December 09

A somewhat belated birthday cheesecake. Jeff was especially proud of the crust, but I was too busy filling my mouth with mascarpone deliciousness to really appreciate the beauty of its formation.

07 December 09

more vanity
Oh look! More pictures of me!

06 December 09

b-day treats at Bin
Jeff took me out for birthday dinner at Bin 941 and it was amazing. Not something one can do terribly often, but it's probably better that way.

05 December 09

ugly sweater party
Roland, tied for 'most obnoxious' at my birthday party where people wore their most terrible Christmas sweaters. It was a good time, with festive sweaters abound.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

04 December 09

makin' art
Jeff and I went out to Maple Ridge so my parents could take me out for birthday dinner. Afterwards we sat at the kitchen table drinking pinot noir and talking. Alice was halfway through this collage at 1am when we left, and she started at 8pm.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

03 December 09

morning frost
On the way to work in the morning. The front of the house gets basically no sun in the winter, so the front steps are like an ice rink, and the frost on the lawn melts rarely.

02 December 09

Cat's Social House
We went to the Christmas party for Jeff's old job. Everyone was drunk. I felt awkward. But the food was good.

01 December 09

world AIDS day
World AIDS Day. I drew this on with a pen.

30 November 09

waxed mustache
Roland came by with some beer, and showed us his best Johnny Depp impression.

29 November 09

Jeff's last day at White Spot. They gave him balloons and flowers, and sprayed him with whipped cream.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

28 November 09

jacket umbrella
It was Angelique's birthday and I forgot my camera because I had errands to run beforehand and didn't realise I had no time to go home for it until it was TOO LATE. It was obviously raining a super lot and I walked there (Clark & 7th) from Hastings and Nanaimo, carrying a bag full of Christmas sweaters, booze, and party snacks for most of it.
Also I forgot to take a photo on Friday because I fail. Jesse and Angela and I had dinner at Yianni's in New West, where we ate various Greek dips and later, ekmek. It was tasty.

26 November 09

Went with Jeff, Jesse, and Ray to see Where the Wild Things Are. It was pretty good but not magical enough.

25 November 09

"Jeff, let's not go to your stupid work party. Let's stay home and watch Battlestar and drink port."

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

24 November 09

she's got legs
Hello, my name is Jen, and I like to put on strange outfits and then photograph myself in them.
Also tonight I reconnected with my old bandmate Roland, which was awesome. He lives in an sweet loft in Gastown, where we drank PBR and waxed philosophical.

23 November 09

Love in the Time of Cholera
I read Love In the Time of Cholera in bed until midnight. It is a good book.

22 November 09

winner of the cookoff
The winner of the comfort food cookoff showcases the scoreboard.

21 November 09

I wanted to post a nice photo of Josh on his birthday, but he looked drunk and awkward in all of them. So here's the ever-photogenic Dennis.

Monday, November 23, 2009

20 November 09

happy birthday, Amanda
People smoke out in the alley on Amanda's birthday. It was a wonderful night, full of friends and kissing and booze and dancing and good times.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

19 November 09

Megs :(
Megan, at Malone's for her last night in Vancouver before returning to Australia. I will miss her very much.

18 November 09

This candle sort of exploded all over the bedside table. This may have happened when I fell asleep with it lit.

17 November 09

video game glee
Jeff and Jesse play the new Mario Brothers game, with much glee.

Monday, November 16, 2009

16 November 09

grayscale + contrast
I don't normally post things that are so heavily photoshopped, but the background was distracting.

15 November 09

coffee with amarula & whipped cream
Coffee with Amarula and whipped cream.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

14 November 09

Pia is pretty
Pia at Megan's going-away party at Dix Brew Pub, where you can have an unlimited number of free peanuts and throw the shells on the floor.
(a few more photos here)

13 November 09

I went with Dennis to the Astoria for the Prohab Helmet Society's calendar release party. Music was decent, drinks were cheap, and there were CUTE GIRLS EVERYWHERE. I bought a calendar of course, because it combines two things I love - bikes and lovely ladies!

12 November 09

I found this bracelet the other day that I made years ago, while living in Omaha. Oh, the days of wearing obscenities.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

11 November 09

Jeff and I had an aquarium date because we both had the day off work. It was super fun even though there were a million children everywhere. Later we came home and made lasagna for Jesse's birthday and hung out with some other people.
I took a bunch of photos I liked on this day, so feel free to check out my aquarium album here.

10 November 09

I hung out at Lucas's for a bit after work, and then when he started falling asleep Jeff picked me up and we had celebratory dessert and booze at Sweet Revenge on Main, because Jeff got a new job which is way more awesome than his old job. :D

09 November 09

I am posting this out of order because I did not do anything good on this day, and the day this was taken I did a whole bunch of stuff, but I want you guys to all be able to lol at this. I could probably make a whole separate blog just of things we do with our fridge magnets.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

08 November 09

terrifying vase
Tamara and I went on a somewhat fruitless adventure today. I wanted to get Val this horrifying owl vase for Christmas, but it was way too heavy to carry around all day. Also it did not have a price on it.

07 November 09

I went with Christine to the art event Hot One Inch Action. In case you are too lazy to read the website, basically 50 artists have their work printed on buttons, and you go and buy a bag of 5 (or two bags, or whatever) and then spend the night trading them with people to get what you want. It was insanely fun.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

06 November 09

this is vancouver fall
It has been raining for I don't know how many days.

05 November 09

I was fucking around with the focus on this and it didn't turn out like I intended. Oh well.