Sunday, January 31, 2010

29 January 10

it's like a trainwreck
Mike brought over some records his parents were getting rid of so we could pick through them before he got rid of them. I wanted to hang this gem in the bathroom to terrify visitors, but the boys told me it was inhumane.

28 January 10

holiday hate mail!
Jeff got hate mail at work! They intend to hang it up in the restaurant.

27 January 10

I believe I bought a new bra this day and wore it out of the store because my old one felt so terrible.

26 January 10

it needed more mustache wax
Still working our way through the addictive Battlestar Galactica series. Apparently I am the only person who appreciated the brief time when the Admiral decided to grow facial hair.

25 January 10

dollar mug
I had some tea in my new mug I got for a dollar at the Salvation Army on the weekend. Jeff and I realised that when we separate from this house, we will have very few mugs, so I look forward to buying a lot of weird unmatching thrift store ones.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

24 January 10

Blood Alley
Jeff took me for dinner and drinks in Gastown to make up for Friday. Afterwards we wandered around sketchy alleys until it got too rainy to take photos. Then we went to Jericho Beach and played with flashlights and clam shells until we got too cold.

23 January 10

cheese, and a plate made out of a bottle
I went to dinner with my parents at Divino Wine Bar on Commercial Drive. We had SO MUCH CHEESE because we ordered the platter of three, but they brought us the wrong one so then we got a free cheese! Which is the best kind, obviously.
Also, the plate you see is made of a flattened wine bottle.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

22 January 10

all dressed up and nowhere to go
Jeff and I were supposed to have a date and I got all dressed up but then he ended up working super late. :(

21 January 10


Thursday, January 21, 2010

20 January 10

I bought a bottle of this Anchor Christmas beer while I was in Portland, and it was super delicious, so I was pleased to happen upon a case of it in the Heights liquor store today when Jesse and I stopped in there. He bought it for me because friends like to do nice things for each other sometimes.

19 January 10

This purse broke about a year ago. I bought it at a thrift store for $10; I liked the bird design the previous owner drew on with a Sharpie. I've held on to it this long hoping I could find something to do with it even though I can't use it, but I think I have to throw it out.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

17 January 10

This was supposed to be a cookoff entry but my ingredients were going to die so I had to use them. It's potato-leek soup with fresh rosemary - this is before I blenderized it. I thought it had too much rosemary; Jeff and Jesse thought it had not enough.

16 January 10

cold day at New Brighton
Pia and I took advantage of the sunny day to take some photos around New Brighton Park.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

14 January 10

Mmm, dusty and congealed.

12 January 10

why is this a pencil holder?
Why is this a pencil holder? And furthermore, why does Jeff own it?
I sure wish our house had better lighting.

Monday, January 11, 2010

11 January 10

too-small shoes
This one pair of shoes of the many, along with various clothing articles, that are going to be purged from my closet very soon.

10 January 10

Sushi Mori in Coquitlam
Sushi Mori in Coquitlam has amazing decor as well as amazing food.

(ps: I was wrong; this is actually my blogiversary, not the 7th as previously mentioned.)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

09 January 10

Laryssa = photogenic
Brunch at Amanda's Saturday morning. Here is Laryssa is wearing Amanda's hat, looking good in photos as usual.

07 January 10

I still think something is up with the autofocus, but at least through fucking around with aperture/F-stop/exposure, I can still manage photos.

Here is Jeff on the one-year anniversary of this blog. I didn't do as well as I hoped in that year, but at least I haven't given up entirely. Here's to another year with hopefully more successes.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

31 December 09

New Year's 2010
New Year's Eve. This one was pretty bad, but the day after this I tried to take photos and they were ALL out of focus no matter what I did. Then I cried. Jeff is taking the camera to the shop to be looked at soon.
Thus, I do not yet have anything from 2010 to post.

30 December 09

Iain and I somehow started watching Batman & Robin, and decided the only way to make it tolerable was to keep a scoresheet for Mr. Freeze - how many lines were puns vs. non-puns vs. incoherent grumbles.