Wednesday, March 31, 2010

29 March 10

bike riders on the storm
I have been somewhat worried about the bikes getting too wet during the storms the past few days. Mine is already kind of rusty and I don't want it to get worse D:

28 March 10

Bane is confused
I had to go to my parents' place so my mom could give me a Hepatitis A shot (we're going to Mexico in two weeks). Bane seemed pretty weirded out by the new surroundings, and the cats just seemed angry about being put in the carriers.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

27 March 10

On my way up to the pharmacy and produce store. Somewhere along the way an old lady stopped me to tell me I looked like Boy George, but that she meant it as a compliment. Perhaps it was my large and jaunty hat?
Later I went to Toby's with Tamara and Val and others. It was a pretty good time once we got to sit outside and not listen to the terrible cover band.

26 March 10

"Is this really how I spend my Friday night?"
The adaptor for Jeff's monitor swivel mount came, so he was so excited to finally get the thing up. Unfortunately, the pieces didn't fit, so he used a broken hacksaw to cut them down to size. He came up from the basement in goggles and welding gloves with a beer in one hand and a screwdriver in the other, saying, "Is this really how I spend my Friday nights?"

25 March 10

This photo is crap, but I came home sick from work and tried to be semi-productive, so I cleaned the kitchen and put these old t-shirts into frames.

24 March 10

grimy camper

23 March 10

crusted latté
This is on the wall outside a long-dead coffee shop near Kootenay Loop.

22 March 10

I was in the mood for a beer. This is not the greatest beer, but it's all right. And they don't have much selection at the place near my house.

21 March 10

avocado pizza
Wow, I am like a week behind. This is Jeff's incredible pizza for the avocado cook-off. I made chili with an avocado sour cream topping.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

20 March 10

five avocados and green Skittle vodka
Tomorrow is the avocado cookoff, so right now we have five avocados.

19 March 10

Kaylie's birthday

Kaylie turned 23 (lord it feels like I turned 23 a reallllly long time ago) and had a birthday gathering at The Brickhouse. It was my first time there but it is possibly my new favourite bar.

18 March 10

MaryAnne fixes her glasses
MaryAnne and I had coffee and conversation at Melriches, and then went across the street to watch the hockey game at the Speakeasy.
This is the first iphone photo I've posted that is obviously a phone photo, I think.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

16 March 10

crossbeams and ivy
I met up with June at Emily Carr so that she could sketch me doing some action-hero-esque poses for her latest drawing project, which I am excited to see finished. Afterwards we left Granville Island so she could buy me a beer for my troubles. We went to Memphis Blues on Broadway, where we drank a couple of pints and managed to devour a plate of bbq poutine (cheese curds + fries + bbq sauce + pile of meat = amazing).

15 March 10


14 March 10

Pi day
If you write your dates the American way (mm/dd), then the 14th of March is Pi Day! I do not, but that didn't stop me from celebrating by going out for pie at Aphrodite's Cafe.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

13 March 10

windy day

12 March 10

And this will be the last recycled photo - from last November, when Jeff and I had a date at the Vancouver Aquarium.

11 March 10

bird shadows
This was taken almost a year ago, near an elementary school in Burnaby Heights.

10 March 10

golden afternoon
I've been slacking with the taking of photos lately - work has been stressful and thus I haven't been doing anything noteworthy during the week - but I still want to post things, so I'll post a couple I like that I didn't get the chance to post in here.

09 March 10

bird mousepad
The mousepad I bought on Etsy came in the mail. I like it, it matches my desk.

Monday, March 8, 2010

08 March 10

seafood red pepper bisque
Jeff made seafood red pepper bisque. It was so delicious.

I swear this camera used to take non-fuzzy pictures indoors :'(

07 March 10

drinking chai at the curry-off
Amanda drinking chai at the curry-off. I made swiss chard dahl as an homage to my accidental chard pie of the year before and everyone laughed.
Earlier in the day we went for dim sum for Tamara and Val's birthday, which was terrifying and delicious. Mmmm, balls of random meat...

06 March 10

sinks and toilets
Um. I'm not too sure why lens flare is happening INDOORS, but whatever. f u camera.

05 March 10

Hastings St at sundown
Hastings Street at sundown, on my way home from work for the weekend.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

02 March 10

This photo isn't really very good, but you don't get to see these too often :)

01 March 10

Took this with my iphone on the way home from the bus stop. It excites me.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

28 February 10

gigantic flag
The Olympics ended with the intensity of the men's hockey gold medal game. Canada won. Raucous celebration ensued. A few more photos of downtown antics here.

27 February 10

Sir Perry
So apparently my brother is moving to Victoria? The first I heard about it was about a week before, when I got a facebook invite to his going-away party. I guess that's just another excuse for me to go to the Island :) It was a low-key (but loud) and entertaining party.

25 February 10

did not realise this was see-through when I bought it
I bought this slip on Etsy, and although it fits perfectly, I didn't realise it was see through. So much for my plans to wear it as a dress.

p.s. iphoto still sucks and I still cannot get photoshop installed. sadness.

24 February 10

sketchy lookin
Work has been gruelling, and it is definitely going to get worse before it gets better.

21 February 10

this was the bad game.
Jesse, looking dejected in his expensive jersey. This was the bad game.

20 February 10

new phone!
I used my Rogers upgrade to get an iPhone for $100. Then Steph and I hung out and watched Across the Universe, but mostly we talked through it and she showed me stuff to do on my new phone.

19 February 10

hipster glasses
Maddie and Alice came over and they looked through the leftovers from the clothes swap. I made Maddie try on Jeff's old glasses; we could barely stop laughing long enough to take the picture.