Sunday, December 30, 2012

23 November 12

I always procrastinate dyeing my hair because it takes me like, four hours.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

22 November 12

veggies & chicken
Jeff cooked a dinner of coq au vin with roasted veggies and spiced mashed potatoes. We both agreed that while the chicken was delicious, the sauce needed to taste like something other than hot wine.

Friday, December 28, 2012

21 November 12

scotch, scotch, scotch.
Jeff and I had dinner at the Irish Heather after work. We were going to go to the movies, but my enthusiasm for it had waned so instead we went home and played Secret of Mana.

20 November 12

Jeff and his creepy Movember 'stache hanging out with the cat.

19 November 12


Thursday, December 27, 2012

18 November 12

Finally hemmed my goddamn curtains and hung them up. It's amazing the difference it makes. Fuck you, venetian blinds!

17 November 12

rotting pumpkins
We let our jack-o-lanterns compost in the garden after Halloween.

16 November 12

the dispute continues...
The neverending dispute between Hastings-Sunrise and East Village.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

15 November 12

tarte d'Alsace deconstruit
French food cookoff! Above is Chris's deconstructed Alsatian tart, but visit the blog as usual to see the rest of the entries and winners. My entry kind of looked like a cock and balls.

14 November 12

pear bums.
Preparing for the cookoff by caramelizing pears in cognac, margarine, and sugar.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

13 November 12

This was the only decent-sized acorn squash we got out of the garden, and we didn't even eat it before it went bad!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

10 November 12

cheese breakfast
In the morning I ate cheese party leftovers for breakfast. In the evening Jesse had a birthday dinner at Chai Lounge and we sat for over two hours talking and enjoying ourselves, and ate so much delicious Afghan fusion food I thought I might go into a coma.

09 November 12

wine and cheese
We hosted a wine and cheese. There was so much cheese. And quite a bit of wine. And other things as well. Pretty good times.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

08 November 12

The Beave sent us all Byrd Farms shirts in the mail, because he loves us.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

05 November 12

Hayley one
Hayley needed some headshots for her acting portfolio, and I was flattered she asked me. One more here.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

03 November 12

I hung up the painting Maddie gave me. I need more art in here to make it feel less like a storage area and more like a room.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

02 November 12

For Riley's birthday, my mom surprised him with a zombie paintball experience for him and 9 others. I didn't go, but they said it was really authentic and a total blast. Mom & I drank wine and watched The Girl Who Played With Fire instead.

01 November 12

from a window at work. Hastings St.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

31 October 12

this is Halloween
We covered our front stoop in candles along with the three pumpkins Sarah carved, and played spooky music out the front window. I wore the wedding yeti mask and a little girl legit screamed when she saw me, which made it all worth it.

Monday, December 3, 2012

30 October 12

afternoon fire

29 October 12

Sliced my hand open collapsing my umbrella when I arrived at work. Still not too sure how it happened.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

28 October 12

beach scene
Jeff and I had brunch at the hotel, and stopped by the campsite to say goodbye on our way home. The rain had stopped and the day was quite lovely; we spent a little while on the beach before hitting the road for good. After getting back to the city I went with Steph to Tamara's, and Val joined us to watch Beetlejuice and drink bourbon and eat chili.
couple more from this day here.