Friday, December 27, 2013

a change of sorts

I've gotten so behind in posting that I feel overwhelmed by the prospect of catching up, so I'm not going to; I'm sorry. I've decided not to do another 365 project — after four years, I need to relax a little. Although I've finished my 365 self-portraits, I'm still getting caught up with uploading them so if you're interested you can check those out on my flickr album.

In the new year I may try another less intensive project, maybe a weekly portrait, maybe a roll of film each month, maybe both, maybe something else... I haven't decided just yet. But I'll be sure to let you know here, even if I decide to close this blog and share my new work elsewhere. Thank you for following along, and in the meantime please feel free to keep up with me on instagram or tumblr.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

22 October 13

misty morning web

21 October 13

herb-crusted pumpkin
My entry for the pumpkin cookoff (unfortunately it looked better than it tasted). As always, visit the cookoff blog to see the other entries, and the winner.

20 October 13

session two
I finally had another session with June; we started some of the outline on my upper arm and did some colour on the fossil layer. Managed two and a half hours, and after that I met Mom & Jimm for beer and food and hockey at St. Augustine's. Then I went home with my groceries to start on my cookoff entry.

Monday, December 2, 2013

19 October 13

we all know art is hard
For Chelsea's bachelorette, she didn't want to do the club thing, so we started with a potluck at her place and then a splatter paint party at a studio nearby. It was a blast! And as expected, you pretty much get covered in paint. I paid to upgrade to the 11x14 canvas, and it turned out pretty nice. Still need to pick that up...