Tuesday, November 24, 2009

24 November 09

she's got legs
Hello, my name is Jen, and I like to put on strange outfits and then photograph myself in them.
Also tonight I reconnected with my old bandmate Roland, which was awesome. He lives in an sweet loft in Gastown, where we drank PBR and waxed philosophical.

23 November 09

Love in the Time of Cholera
I read Love In the Time of Cholera in bed until midnight. It is a good book.

22 November 09

winner of the cookoff
The winner of the comfort food cookoff showcases the scoreboard.

21 November 09

I wanted to post a nice photo of Josh on his birthday, but he looked drunk and awkward in all of them. So here's the ever-photogenic Dennis.

Monday, November 23, 2009

20 November 09

happy birthday, Amanda
People smoke out in the alley on Amanda's birthday. It was a wonderful night, full of friends and kissing and booze and dancing and good times.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

19 November 09

Megs :(
Megan, at Malone's for her last night in Vancouver before returning to Australia. I will miss her very much.

18 November 09

This candle sort of exploded all over the bedside table. This may have happened when I fell asleep with it lit.

17 November 09

video game glee
Jeff and Jesse play the new Mario Brothers game, with much glee.

Monday, November 16, 2009

16 November 09

grayscale + contrast
I don't normally post things that are so heavily photoshopped, but the background was distracting.

15 November 09

coffee with amarula & whipped cream
Coffee with Amarula and whipped cream.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

14 November 09

Pia is pretty
Pia at Megan's going-away party at Dix Brew Pub, where you can have an unlimited number of free peanuts and throw the shells on the floor.
(a few more photos here)

13 November 09

I went with Dennis to the Astoria for the Prohab Helmet Society's calendar release party. Music was decent, drinks were cheap, and there were CUTE GIRLS EVERYWHERE. I bought a calendar of course, because it combines two things I love - bikes and lovely ladies!

12 November 09

I found this bracelet the other day that I made years ago, while living in Omaha. Oh, the days of wearing obscenities.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

11 November 09

Jeff and I had an aquarium date because we both had the day off work. It was super fun even though there were a million children everywhere. Later we came home and made lasagna for Jesse's birthday and hung out with some other people.
I took a bunch of photos I liked on this day, so feel free to check out my aquarium album here.

10 November 09

I hung out at Lucas's for a bit after work, and then when he started falling asleep Jeff picked me up and we had celebratory dessert and booze at Sweet Revenge on Main, because Jeff got a new job which is way more awesome than his old job. :D

09 November 09

I am posting this out of order because I did not do anything good on this day, and the day this was taken I did a whole bunch of stuff, but I want you guys to all be able to lol at this. I could probably make a whole separate blog just of things we do with our fridge magnets.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

08 November 09

terrifying vase
Tamara and I went on a somewhat fruitless adventure today. I wanted to get Val this horrifying owl vase for Christmas, but it was way too heavy to carry around all day. Also it did not have a price on it.

07 November 09

I went with Christine to the art event Hot One Inch Action. In case you are too lazy to read the website, basically 50 artists have their work printed on buttons, and you go and buy a bag of 5 (or two bags, or whatever) and then spend the night trading them with people to get what you want. It was insanely fun.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

06 November 09

this is vancouver fall
It has been raining for I don't know how many days.

05 November 09

I was fucking around with the focus on this and it didn't turn out like I intended. Oh well.

04 November 09

H1N1. It's what's for dinner.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

03 November 09

tunnel vision
Rather than wait 18 minutes standing stilla at the bus stop near my friend's at Oak & 17th, I walked up to Granville & Broadway in the cold. I probably got home at the same time.

02 November 09

I guess there have been a lot of photos of me in here lately. Probably because I haven't been doing much of anything interesting. Except putting seaweed goo on my face, of course.

Monday, November 2, 2009

01 November 09

Lonsdale Ave
Jeff and I went for brunch in North Van at a joint called Moodyville's - delicious and friendly and not expensive. The hash browns especially are magical, and Jeff had only good things to say about the salmon benedict.
This was taken walking back down Lonsdale afterwards.

31 October 09

The Mad Hatter and a welfare clown, proving how awesome suspenders can be.

30 October 09

bra shopping sucks
After work on Friday I decided to get a new bra. When I asked the lady her opinion on one, she told me it was too small and then brought me a 32D :( I don't know how this happened! At least I got two for $35. Unfortunately they are not colours I really wanted.
Oh ps that green glow near my head is not a ghost, it is just lens flare.

29 October 09

get inside their beds
It is basically glove season, mostly because my hands get cold holding my umbrella.

28 October 09

It was every bit as amazing as you might expect. There was a 'splatter zone'!

27 October 09

A neighbour's front yard.